Say goodbye to your balls
15:41 minutes
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Her beauty had blinded him so much that he did not see the devil in her, and with the promise that she could do anything with him if only he could be close to her, the poor man unknowingly said goodbye to his manhood. Say goodbye to your balls!
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At 1:01 I start thinking “what phenomenal side-boob this beautiful woman has – she is a work of art”. At 2:27 Macarena delivers a kick that breaks him. You can see the pride in her face and the dominant way she shakes her head in acknowledgement that she owns him when he cries out in pain after the kick. At 2:39 he cries out “oh, ah oh” after her kick - this is the universal language that you know a man is suffering in tremendous ball-pain. Any woman that hears that sound knows she just connected with a man in a way only she can make him suffer. At 2:54 he makes that sound again – you know she’s got to feel happy and powerful (and she is). At 2:57 he says “ok” which must be his safe word – he understandably needs her to lighten up for a few seconds in order to recover from the pain that is accumulating. What a beautiful woman she is to understand that she has already won at that moment and to give him a break. What a beautiful shot at 4:30 – that is feminine power at its supreme best. At 4:55 she tells him to “shush” while she is taking his balls into her hands – she knows what she is about to do is going to make him cry out in terrible pain and she wants him to endure as much suffering as she wants to give. I love the intermittent eye contact that she starts and then the look of power on her face starting at 5:08 – she knows why woman rule and she shows it. If you want an indelible picture of a woman looking deep into a man’s soul and owning him with her eyes then just look at 5:59. After she broke him again at 6:37 she does her head shake again to acknowledge her power! What a beautiful smile at 7:24 and then at 7:27 she nods her head and then she breaks him. That first kick while he was on his back at 8:21 was the most devastating of that series – a glancing kick that rolls the balls in the sack always hurts the most. God, what a shot at 9:08 and she looks wet and enjoying herself at 9:14. Again, at 9:28, what incredible side-boob – she should get an academy award for Best Side-Boob in a Leading Role. What a feminine move at 10:55. A great slap at 11:03 followed by her dominant head shake. By the way, I also love her tattoo.