Balls smash a la carte
5:34 minutes
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A cooking spoon is known to be a universal tool, especially pleased about its penetrating effect are the balls of the slave who is completely defenselessly tied his joy about it in the gag roars. Extreme Aua Session...
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Balls Smash al a carte The wooden cooking spoon used as a xxx device on a man’s balls is an incredibly deceptive and horrifically devious device. The spoon appears to someone unfamiliar in testicular trauma as something that could not cause must pain. Unfortunately, for a man, having a wooden spoon that is used to attack the small tubes that deliver sperm from the testicle to the prostrate causes an unbelievable amount of gut wrenching, horrific pain to a man. “Spooning” a man is one of the most horrific treatments from a pure pain perspective. Psychologically it is devastating because a cooking spoon is a symbol of women confinement to the kitchen. When this symbol is used to totally break a man, it shows female power at its strongest and male resistance at its weakest. She starts off with the spoon striking the head of the cock, this is painful but survivable. Then she follows by a couple of kicks to the balls (also survivable). From 1:50-2:40 she ties his balls in with a rope – this is setting him up for devastation. The balls have nowhere to escapes when they are tied like that –delivering the “Spoon” once the balls are confined in such a way will create inescapable, gut wrenching pain. Watch as the first spoon is delivered to the balls at 2:42. An outsider observing the reaction might say, “Gee, she hardly tapped him.” Believe me, the pain from that single strike was gut-wrenching. You can just sense the fear he has when she gets ready to strike again at 3:03 and you hear and feel the agony at 3:05 and at 3:20 when she connects with the next two strikes. She then proceeds to pull the noose and start tapping his balls with the wooden spoon again at 3:42 – he is in gut wrenching pain at this point. At 5:03, her shot unfortunately completely misses his balls, but at 5;07 she delivers a direct shot that is devastating – you can hear his cries of agony. She delivers with a feminine beauty that makes her only more sexy and desirable. This is one of the best films from pain stand-point.